Sodium Bicarbonate Food Grade - For Major Applications Such As RO System

Acuro Organics Limited | Sodium Bicarbonate | Manufacturer | Supplier | Exporter

Acuro Organics Limited offers wide range of Manufacturer,Supplier and Exporter of Sodium Bicarbonate Food Grade for RO Plants and pH Booster for RO Water.
Sodium Bicarbonate may be a white, crytalline powder that's unremarkably used as a buffering agent, AN solution replenisher, general gastric antacid and in topical cleansing solutions.
It is stable in dry air, however it slowly decomposes in wet air. One gram dissolves in 10ml of water. it's insoluble in alcohol. Its solutions, once freshly ready with cold water while not shaking, area unit alkalescent to acid-base indicator. The pH scale will increase because the solutions stand, area unit agitated or heated.

(Food Grade pH Booster for post-RO water)


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